Kwranking documentation

Kwranking provides information about host efficiency. It deploys UnixBench on remote hosts using SSH and runs arithmetic tests. The returned value is stored in the DB (it never changes over time). During the tests, the max power consumption is reached and stored in Ceilometer, so the flop/w metric is build using the max power value retrieved in Ceilometer and the flop value returned by the benchmark. The flop/w metric is updated periodically, because the max power consumption may vary over the machine lifetime. An API allows the user to find the most efficient hosts from a list of hosts passed as parameter. Kwranking could be used to improve scheduling strategies. This documentation offers information on how Kwranking works.


Installing Kwranking

  1. Clone the Kwranking git repository to the management server:

    $ git clone
  2. As a user with root permissions or sudo privileges, run the Kwranking installer and copy the configuration files:

    $ pip install kwranking
    $ cp -r kwranking/etc/kwranking /etc/

Running Kwranking service

Start the Kwranking API:

$ kwranking-api

Configuration Options

The following table lists the Kwranking options in the configuration file. Please note that Kwranking uses openstack-common extensively, which requires that the other parameters are set appropriately.

Parameter Default Note
api_port 5001 API port
acl_enabled true Keystone authentication
policy_file /etc/kwranking/policy.json Access rules
log_file /var/log/kwranking.log Log file
refresh_interval 5184000 Interval between two requests to Ceilometer to retrieve the max value
sql_type mysql SQL type
sql_server localhost SQL server
sql_port 3306 SQL port
sql_user root SQL user
sql_password password SQL password
sql_database kwranking SQL database

The config file contains also a section dedicated to Keystone authentication (credentials used to contact Ceilometer).

Parameter Default Note
auth_uri http://localhost:35357/v2.0 Auth URI
admin_user ceilometer Admin
admin_password password Password
admin_tenant_name service Tenant name

A sample configuration file can be found in kwranking.conf.


Verb URL Parameters Expected result
GET /v1/hosts/get-id/   Returns all hosts IDs
GET /v1/hosts/get/   Returns all hosts details
GET /v1/hosts/get/<host>/ host Returns the host details
POST /v1/hosts/get-rank/ { "hosts":  host list separated by ';', "method": ranking method (Efficiency or Flop or Wmax or Wmin), "number": number of hosts to return } Ranks the hosts passed as parameter
PUT /v1/hosts/set/ { "host": hostname } Add a host to benchmark in the database

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